Send an Inquiry by filling out and submitting the form below. Please note we can only accept a limited number of preservations per date to ensure that we provide quality work to preserve your beautiful flowers.
We will reach out via email to inquiries within 24-48 hours to confirm your date and send a contract to sign, that requires a 50% deposit to reserve your spot.
Once deposit is received your date for preservation is officially booked!
You will be sent an email confirmation with your invoice, drop off/shipping address, instructions on how to care for your flowers, until they are brought or sent to us!
Local drop off can be done in Brantford or Burlington. You may also choose to ship your flowers from anywhere within Canada (at customers cost).
When we receive your beautiful blooms you will be emailed confirmation. I will select the best looking flowers to create your pieces. Over 8 -12 weeks (this is an estimated time, it could take longer due to busy season), we will work to preserve your flowers create high-quality pieces and design your custom keepsakes!
Once your piece has been completed, you will receive an email notification. You will be able to locally pick up or it can be mailed anywhere within Canada (at customers cost).
Brantford, ON local drop off & pick up OR ship us your flowers from anywhere within Canada!
Stay up to date on updates, see our work and connect with us in our DMs. We're always happy to answer any questions!